Featured Tools and Frameworks

We follow Google Material Design in all of our software products to ensure
they're aligned with best practices in usability and accessibility.

This powerful design tool is instrumental in our UX and UI design process,
providing a fast and easy way to produce hundreds of UI screens and components.

Sparx Systems enhances collaboration and planning with its powerful suite of
tools for visualization, requirements management, modeling and more.

This leading enterprise architecture framework supports our planning and
modelling across multiple layers and hierarchy levels.

Unified Modeling Language provides the framework to visually communicate
system components, user interactions and more in a clear and consistent format.

Using the modeling standards set by BPMN, we map out our business processes
for alignment among project stakeholders during the solution architecture stage.

We use ArchiMate's modelling language to bridge the gap between technical and
business stakeholders with clear, well-defined enterprise architecture models.
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